How and what does it cost to travel from Malaga airport to Andalucia del Mar

You can easily find directions to Andalucia del mar on Google Maps.

If your travel arrangements do not include transfer service, there are several ways to get from Malaga airport to Andalucia del Mar.

1. Airport transfer by bus:

The Portillo Avanza bus company is the largest on the Costa del Sol. If you are planning to travel to Andalucia del Mar according to alternative 1a or 1b below, it is very advantageous to purchase the tickets online prior to travelling as the number of passagers per departure are limited and certain days and departure times are quickly sold out. Tickets can be purchased within 30 days of travel. 

1.a) Airport bus and taxi combination

Malaga airport - Marbella - Andalucia del Mar. The airport bus takes approximately 45 minutes. The stop is outside terminal 3. The bus stops at Marbella bus station from where you take a taxi to Andalucia del Mar.

1. b) Airport and local bus combination

Malaga airport - Malaga - Andalucia del Mar. Take the airport bus to Malaga busstation and from there the bus towards Estepona which stops by hotel Andalucia Plaza on the main road N-340 (A7), from where there is a 5 minute walk through the underpass at the hotel to Andalucia del Mar.

2. Taxi

Taxi pick up can be arranged for you by the NAM service office via the arrival notification. You can also take a taxi directly from the airport. The travel time is approximately 40 minutes.

1-2 pax   75€ with normal luggage by the coastal road.
3-4 pax   80€ with normal luggage by the coastal road.
3-4 pax   90€ with large luggage / golf bags by the coastal road..
4-7 pax 110€ with large luggage / golf bags by the coastal road.

4 persons with 4 bags and 4 golf bags should book the minivan for 110€.

3. Rental car

A rental car can be booked via our NAM serviceoffice i Andalucia del Mar. The car is picked up and returned at Malaga airport.